ZeUSD Router

Product Overview

The ZeUSD Router is the primary gateway for users to interact with the ZeUSD protocol. It acts as a central hub that enables users to:

  • Create ZeUSD by depositing collateral or stable coins

  • Bridge ZeUSD across different blockchain networks

  • Burn ZeUSD to retrieve their collateral

  • Manage their positions and interactions with the protocol

Core Components

1. Access Control System

The access control system ensures secure and compliant protocol usage through multiple layers:

1.1 Administrative Control


    • Highest level of access in the protocol

    • Can grant/revoke other roles

    • Controls critical protocol parameters

    • Manages emergency operations

  • ADMIN_ROLE (Admin)

    • Manages day-to-day operations

    • Controls whitelist

    • Updates protocol configurations

    • Monitor system health

1.2 User Access Management

  • Whitelist System

    • Ensures KYC/KYB compliance

    • Controls who can mint ZeUSD

    • Maintains regulatory standards

    • Tracks user permissions

  • Blacklist Integration

    • Blocks malicious actors

    • Enforces compliance requirements

    • Protects protocol security

    • Maintains system integrity

2. Protocol Integration Components

2.1 Collateral Vault Integration

The Collateral Vault manages all collateral positions in the protocol:

  • Tracks user deposits and positions

  • Calculates collateral ratios

  • Manages liquidation thresholds

  • Provides price feed integration

2.2 ZeUSD Token Management

Direct interface with the ZeUSD token contract for:

  • Minting new tokens based on collateral

  • Burning tokens during redemption

  • Managing token supply

  • Tracking user balances

2.3 Layer Zero Cross-Chain Operations

Enables seamless cross-chain functionality through:

  • Secure message passing between chains

  • Token bridging capabilities

  • Cross-chain position management

  • Unified liquidity across networks

2.4 Sub Vault Interactions

Manages specialized vaults for different asset types:

  • RWA (Real World Asset) vaults

  • Stable coin vaults

  • Protocol-specific integrations

  • Custom asset handlers

Key Features

1. CDP Minting Engine

Users can create ZeUSD through two primary methods:

1.1 Direct Collateral Deposits

In this process:

  1. Users deposit supported collateral (e.g., ZTLN)

  2. System validates collateral and user eligibility

  3. Calculates appropriate ZeUSD amount based on:

    • Collateral value

    • Current oracle prices

    • LTV ratios

  4. Mints ZeUSD to user's wallet

  5. Records position in CollateralVault

1.2 Stablecoin Deposits

In this process:

  1. Deposit supported stablecoins (e.g., USDC)

  2. System routes to appropriate SubVault

  3. SubVault invests in underlying protocol

  4. Mints equivalent ZeUSD based on deposit

1.3 Cross-Chain Bridging

When users want to move ZeUSD across chains:

This enables:

  • Seamless cross-chain movement

  • Unified liquidity across networks

  • Chain-agnostic usage

  • Optimized gas efficiency

2. Burning Mechanism

Users can redeem their ZeUSD for underlying collateral through a secure process:

2.1 Collateral Redemption

The system:

  1. Verifies user's ZeUSD balance

  2. Checks position exists and is active

  3. Burns specified ZeUSD amount

  4. Returns equivalent collateral

  5. Updates position records

2.2 Position Management

  • Tracks all user positions

  • Manages partial redemptions

  • Updates collateral ratios

  • Maintains position history

3. Security Framework

3.1 Access Protection

Multiple layers of security ensure safe operations:

   modifier whitelistedOnly() {
       if (!_whitelisted[msg.sender]) revert NotWhitelisted(msg.sender);
   modifier notBlacklisted() {
       if (zeusdToken.isBlacklisted(msg.sender)) revert Blacklisted(msg.sender);
   modifier whenNotPaused() {
       if (depositsPaused) revert DepositsArePaused();

3.2 Operation Safeguards

  • Reentrancy Guards: Prevent multiple calls

  • Pause Mechanism: Emergency stops

  • Role Validation: Access control

  • Amount Validation: Input checking

Implementation Details

1. Mint With Collateral Flow

In this flow:

  1. User Initiation: User calls mintWithCollateral with their chosen collateral asset (e.g., ZTLN) and amount

  2. Access Verification: Router checks if user is whitelisted and not blacklisted

  3. SubVault Location: Gets the appropriate SubVault address for the collateral type

  4. Asset Validation: Verifies the collateral is supported by the SubVault

  5. Collateral Transfer: Transfers user's collateral to the designated SubVault

  6. Position Recording: Records the deposit details in CollateralVault for tracking

  7. Amount Calculation: Calculates how much ZeUSD to mint based on collateral value and LTV

  8. Token Minting: Mints the calculated amount of ZeUSD to user's wallet

2. Mint With Stable Flow

This process involves:

  1. User Request: User initiates stable token deposit (e.g., USDC)

  2. Access Checks: Verifies user's permission to use the protocol

  3. Vault Verification: Locates correct SubVault for the stable token

  4. Asset Validation: Confirms stable token is supported

  5. Token Transfer: Moves stable tokens to SubVault

  6. Protocol Integration: SubVault deposits stables into underlying protocol

  7. Record Keeping: Records the stable deposit in CollateralVault

  8. ZeUSD Issuance: Mints equivalent ZeUSD based on stable deposit

3. Burn Flow

The burn process includes:

  1. Burn Request: User initiates burn of ZeUSD to reclaim their collateral

  2. Permission Check: Verifies user's authorization

  3. Vault Location: Identifies correct SubVault storing user's collateral

  4. Asset Verification: Confirms asset type matches original deposit

  5. Position Update: Marks the deposit as inactive in CollateralVault

  6. Token Burning: Burns the specified amount of ZeUSD

  7. Collateral Release: Withdraws collateral from SubVault

  8. Return Assets: Transfers collateral back to user's wallet

Oracle Integration

The Router relies on price oracles through the CollateralVault for calculating mint amounts:

  1. Price Discovery

    • Collateral prices from Chainlink oracles

    • Price validation and fallback mechanisms

    • Staleness checks and safety bounds

  2. Mint Amount Calculation

  1. Oracle Safety Measures

    • Price deviation checks

    • Minimum/maximum bounds

    • Heartbeat verification

    • Multiple oracle support for critical assets

Error Handling

  1. Custom Errors

error NotWhitelisted(address account);
error Blacklisted(address account);
error InvalidAddress(address address);
error ZeroAmount();
error DepositsArePaused();
error InsufficientBalance(string token);
  1. State Validation

  • Pre-condition checks

  • Balance verification

  • Allowance validation

  • Asset support verification


The Router implements UUPS upgradeability pattern:

  • State variable organisation

  • Implementation slot management

  • Proper initialisation sequence

  • Storage gap for future upgrades

Last updated